
Contact US

Gentle Reminder:
The organizing committee will not ask delegates to provide credit card information for any purpose.
The registration will be completed only via conference system. Please be alert.

For more information about SGSE, feel free to contact.

Conference Staff

Ms. Jessie Hu

E-mail: sgse_conference@163.com

Quick Q & A

Q.How do I submit my paper?
Ans: Submit your paper in the given templates (MS word + LaTex Template ) to online syetem. If you find any difficulty send your abstract at sgse_conference@163.com.
Q. How many pages are allowed for full paper?
Ans: Regular Registration includes SIX pages' publication. If more than that, additional 70 USD per page will be required. (The minimum request for publication is FOUR pages)
Q. If I want to have a publication, shall I have to submit an abstract firstly?
Ans: It will cut the reviewing time by submit full paper directly.
Q. If my abstract is not accepted, can I still attend the conference?
Ans: Yes, you can attend as a Listener.
Q. Can I join as Committee Member / Session Chair / Keynote Speaker / Invited Speaker?
Ans: Yes, please send your CV to e-mail sgse_conference@163.com and stating clearly which role you want to take.
Q. Can I pay the early bird fee even after the early bird date expires?
Ans: You cannot register under the early-bird category unless the last date of the early-bird registration extends.

Accepted abstract & Full paper will be invited to give the presentation at SGSE 2025